We sit here at the entryway to a new portal of collective consciousness. Here, the dawning of the age of aquarius is in full bloom with a new bright lightness moving through and reaching in to illuminate the depths of our shadow. This stream of enlightenment is pushing out hidden figures and fears that have resided in dark corners of shame and blame. It can be brutal letting go of stagnation and pushing to birth and transform the ooze of complacency and dissociation into empowerment and imagination.
Widespread and chronic cultural fatigue is calling for us to pause,to rejuvenate and to re-define what is possible. The call is to come home to ourselves-- our capacity to love and be loved. Ancestral healing is deep with familial spirit so close to this earthly plane that their breath illuminates the end of the long winding path of confusion and separateness we have all been on. The subtleties of knowing and honoring that we are connected and protected in a multidimensional community, ushers us from this winding path into a grand heavenly auditorium where we are all together.
Simple and common symptoms like body pain, depression and anxiety start as a whisper and build up to screams and tantrums for us to listen to the call to come home. The call to love and be loved sings out in promise and celebration that we don’t need to push ourselves so hard; we don’t need to work ourselves to the bone out of fear and lack in the ways that have been modeled for us, because we have the choice to thrive instead of survive.
We are detoxing as a culture, with a flu season among us featuring a virus strain that is long-lasting and lingering. This flu is here to kick butt and push the boundaries of who are and who we thought we were into obsoletion. Whether or not you’ve been physically ill, how have you felt or been affected by this energetic purge? We are seeing a cosmic push to level up not only in our clinical practice, but in the world around us. The time is now to claim our joy and to kindly open ourselves up to receiving. We do this by reparenting ourselves with nurturing permission to live authentically from our hearts.
So many of us are shattering, like a fine crystal antique thrown and smashed against the brick wall of limitation and burnout. We are not just cracked open for the light of choice and perspective to come through, but we are ground down to fine dust and soil. By honoring our emotions and our needs, we add fluidity to this new earth material. With courageous faith in the goodness and potential of all things, we reach out to touch and mold this wet earth- like clay.
This is the space and the material to re-define, to rewire, restructure and renew; now is the time ripe and ready to hear and cheer our inventions and our unique expressions.
We feel ourselves waking up, again and again as each life cycle comes to completion and a new adventure, a new day, a new period of growing and sowing begins.
What in you is calling out to come home?