Code of Ethics
Our promise to you
1)We promise to be supportive through your process with an open mind and heart by coming from a place of compassion and understanding
2) We strive to create a safe and scared space for you to be your true self without judgment
3) We honor and trust your innate intelligence and allow for that to be the guide of our therapeutic practice
4) We give from a place of service with the belief that the client is the healer and we are facilitators
5) We honor divine timing and will not push any agendas on you, simply allowing the healing process to unfold as need be
6) We will seek to remind you of the truth of your own UNLIMITED potential as well as hold you accountable for the goals and healing that YOU set forth
7) We respect your time as well as our own
8) We will treat you as the only person that matters in the moment, giving you our full attention and honoring you through every part of your process during your session
9) We are cognizant of the intimate energy exchange between you as the client and ourselves as the practitioners and will take responsibility for creating the boundaries that will keep each of us safe and secure
10) We strive to serve as an example of the work and sacred medicine that we practice as we continually apply it to our own lives
11) We hold the integrity to work within our scope of practice and expertise. If we aren’t the “right” practitioner for you – we will do our best to refer you out to someone that can better suite your needs